When he asks Ainz what he means, the undead tells the emperor that soon they will be busy hereafter as there will be trouble coming soon and intends to make those who do harm to them pay. This though confuses Jircniv who thinks that cannot be all and that Ainz must have another reason for summoning him.

Feeling bad that he made the emperor come all this way, Ainz allows the human to depart. And secondly announces that the matter of Jircniv's noble causing trouble has also been resolved quietly. At Jircniv's insistence to use his first, Ainz first apologizes for the unsightly scene he just witnessed of his subordinate using control magic upon his group.
#I am the sorcerer king manga chapter 68 full#
The emperor thoughts are disturbed by Ainz who addresses him by his full name. The sight of Ainz creating the undead causes Jircniv mind to turn at what the magic caster can do and how any more Death Knights he could create. What happens next shocks Jircniv when the head in Ainz's hand melts into a pool at the undead's feet and slowly reforms into a Death Knight. Jircniv then presents the undead the head of the noble who sent the invaders to the tomb.ĭemiurge offers it to his master who after taking the severed head ponders what to do with the grisly object. As an example he commands Loune Vermillion to bring forth a earthen jar. The emperor says there is no need understanding the misunderstandings of subordinates misinterpreting their master's orders.

Jircniv realizes that his retainers were forcibly under the effect of mind control magic and that his magic necklace warded him of Demiurge's influence. The master of the Great Tomb of Nazarick apologizes for the rudeness of his subordinates, even offering to lower his head to the shock of the Guardians. Ainz though orders Demiurge to relinquish his control over the humans which Demiurge complies. So the demon uses his voice to forcibly make the imperials kneel before his master.Īll members of the delegation, save for Jircniv, to the Floor Guardians annoyance. Demiurge, in his Imp form, though finds the emperor and his entourage speaking to Ainz on equal footing to be profane. Ainz welcomes the delegation from the Baharuth Empire which Emperor Jircniv respectfully thanks. Albedo announces Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix as head of the The imperial delegation before Ainz Ooal Gown in his Throne Room.